Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Outlander TV Series Writers Confirmed!

It's now a while since the news that Outlander was being taken on by Ron Moore and the Starz network and in that time any genuine news has been a little thin on the ground. Now we all know how much we are eagerly waiting casting news but sadly we are going to have to wait a little longer.  

What I can tell you however is that the writers of the TV series have been announced and so things are certainly progressing.  To be honest I don't really pay much attention to the writers of TV shows so I can't say I've ever heard of these writers. Therefore I've done a little research on them ...

Toni Graphia - Although he is more popularly known for his work on Battlestar Galactica I've taken a look at his resume and he was a co-producer on Dr Quinn medical women which does give me a little more confidence! He has also worked on many other fantastic shows such as Roswell, Grey's Anatomy and Sarah Connor Chronicles. 

Matthew Roberts
- Information on this writer is thin on the ground but has has worked on Caprica and a TV show called Hellcats. There is a book author with the same name although I'm not sure if it's the same person or just a weird coincidence.

Ira Behr - A writer who is credited with working on Alphas and Crash (I've never heard of them!) and this left me a little worried but after a little research I'm far happier! Ira Behr worked as  producer on Dark Angel, Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation.  

Anne Kenney - Again there is a lack of historical work which is disappointing.  Anne Kenney has worked on L.A. Law,  Greek, Beautiful People and The Big Easy. 

One of my concerns for this project is that many of the writers seem to have a strong background in Sci-fi rather than on historical shows so the fact that Toni Graphia has produced historical work makes me more optimistic. My conclusion is that the Outlander TV series will have a lot of VERY experienced and talented writers involved but I can't help but be a little scared that it will be a little heavy on the sci-fi parts of the story rather highlighting the gritty realism of the 18th century.  I just hope they have a lot of historical experts to iron out any problems! 


Anonymous said...

Co-producer of Dr. Quinn .... that's a little more like Diana's books than Battlestar Galactica. :)

Anonymous said...
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