Thursday, 27 December 2012

My latest Lord John Grey candidate

Am I fickle when it comes to choosing actors for the Outlander mini-series? I have to admit that Jude Law has always been the man I see in my head whenever John Grey ... sorry Lord John Grey ... comes onto the page but my mind was suitably blown away a few weeks back when I saw a suggestion on Tumblr that the awesome Lord John Grey could be played  by the equally awesome Tom Hiddleston!  Now before you go "the bad buy from the Avengers? Really?" think about it! 

You are probably thinking of ...


... but clean him up a bit and turn him into a blonde and you have ...

He's probably not the exact mental image most of us have of Lord John Grey but he is an awesome actor and I'm sure he would make Lord John come alive on the screen before our eyes. 

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

actually i think he's quite perfect for the role!

Anne Velosa said...

Great choice!

Anonymous said...

Nooooooo!!! I see Simon Baker - such a cutie!!

mymacintyre said...

Wasn't John William Grey only about 14 yrs. old in Outlander??

mymacintyre said...

I take that back. John Grey was not in the Outlander book. He was in the second book Dragonfly in Amber. He was only a teenager maybe 16? Probably quite small as he was only 5'4 or 5'5 as an adult. Does anyone have any suggestions for a teen to play him if the second book is picked up?

Mrs Cookie said...

The scene in Dragonfly where Lord John appears could really be played by any young actor who bears a resemblance to the actor they get to play him as an adult. Unless the viewer knew the significance of that scene they probably wouldn't pay too much attention to the actor anyway! It does need to be made clear later in Voyager that William Grey and John Grey are one and the same though ... maybe a flashback scene?

It's all a matter of when (or if) Voyager and the later books are filmed for the mini-series. Tom Hiddleston may be far too old by then!

Jean Gobel said...

I've always thought of Jude Law as LJG, but you are right - Tom certainly has the expressive eyes and eyebrows to do LJ beautifully. Both actors are over 6', but if Tom Cruise can play Jack Reacher and make you forget height, certainly one of these two could do the job!

Beaker Button said...

Yes, yes, and thousand times yes