Monday, 26 September 2011

Captain Jack? Really?

I have some strange idea's sometimes and I've been pondering this particular possible casting idea for a while now.  I mentioned it to my husband and was expecting his usual "you need to get a life" speech but instead he replied with "Hell Yeah!" so I thought I may be onto something.  My husband's initial reading of Outlander coincided with our mega Torchwood DVD feast so it came as no surprise when he insisted on referring to Black Jack Randall as Captain Jack. I know it was simply to annoy me but it fuelled my idea. 

So does anyone else think that John Barrowman would make a great Black Jack Randall / Frank actor?  He looks good in a WWII uniform (although that might not be needed if it follows the books), he would look really cute ... I mean evil,  as a redcoat and he is talented enough to do the duel role to perfection. One of the beauties of having John Barrowman play the parts would be that he's a pro at playing both nasty and nice. I have always seen Frank as one of the traditionally handsome hero that used to be on the silver screen during the 40's with dark hair and a chiseled face and this pretty much sums up John Barrowman's appearance to me.

On the downside the idea of having a Scot play an English role seems a little strange but I'm sure he can manage an English accent without much trouble.  We all know that John has no problem with nudity or delving into the cutting edge of what is and what isn't acceptable on the screen so I can't see him having issues over the Wentworth scenes. As long as he doesn't make either Frank or Jack Randall sing showtunes I'm all for it!


feline9 said...

For one awful moment I thought you were going to suggest him for Jamie!!! Nearly heart attack!!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I think he has kind of a babyface...I think of Frank as very dark and formidable cheekbones, sharp chin, deepset, wicked looking eyes...this guy is really cute, though...cute doesn't resonate with Frank, IMHO

JamieGirl said...

I have always imagined Frank/Jack Randall being played by Justin Theroux (AKA- Jen Anniston's BF). I have only seen him in a few things and I think he would have the acting chops... but to me he has both the sweetness and the crazy look about him.

Mrs Cookie said...

Hi JamieGirl

I can't say I've ever heard of Justin Theroux before but looking at the photographs of him he'd make a good BJR!

Peta said...

Funny...I was looking for somewhere to put forth my idea of David Tennant for Jamie......and there, someone decides Cpt Jack for Lord John, lol

Mrs Cookie said...


I don't mean to be rude but David Tennant for Jamie? Really? I just can't see any similarities between the two other than they are both Scottish!

I suggested John Barrowman for ... well ... Captain Jack Randall rather than for Lord John. I can't see him as Lord John as all!

Mrs Cookie

Anonymous said...

Jason Issacs is the perfect Jack Randall

Anonymous said...

I completely agreed with Jason Isaacs when I looked him up, but as I went further, I realized he looked a bit old for the part of Black Jack Randall. My vote is Stephen Moyer, and although he could use some platforms, he's British, and he's got that angular handsome face I see Frank and Jack having.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is casting too young too pretty people for the principals. Jamie is young but beat up...Claire is not old but she is educated, experienced and strong minded. Enough waifs and male model types. Jamie Fraser is more like a young "Lord Stark" and Claire is really Susan Sarandon in her late twenties. You must put some toughness in these primitive Scotsmen and Claire.

Mrs Cookie said...

Stephen Moyer is a great actor and I could see him playing BJR/Frank but I have always seen Frank as being more clean cut looking. A little like those 40's actors! It's quite a good choice though.

Mrs Cookie said...

I agree that we definitely don't want any "pretty boys" to play Jamie. I had no idea who Lord Stark was but after looking him up I was more than pleased to see that you meant Sean Bean! He would have been a fantastic Jamie when he was younger and if you've seen him in Lady Chatterley you'll know exactly what I mean!!!!