Thursday 9 February 2012

There are Jamie Frasers everywhere these days?

I have a confession to make! I have been neglecting my Outlander Movie blog for a while now as I've been doing other (non-outlander) things. However, in the last week I've added a tumblr blog to my online acquisitions which is based around Outlander Inspired Photographs. It's basically ... well ...photographs with Outlander themes such as Scottish scenery, the odd casting call and bowls of porridge so feel free to pop on over and take a look :-)

I have however come across a few possible candidates for Jamie which I feel are fairly good. Jason Lewis has been mentioned a few times now but I haven't really been paying too much attention.  I would like to wax poetical about him but I haven't seen any of his acting and I have to admit that I hadn't even heard of him until someone recommended him as Jamie.

Being an American (and me knowing nothing of his acting skills) he may or may not be talented enough to pull off a Scottish accent but he certainly ticks all the other boxes.