Outlander star Sam Heughan has unveiled his ginger locks for the first time. We have previously seen him with a rather fetching beenie hat on but here he is with his Jamie hair! If anyone would like to add a caption please feel free because I'm a little too over excited right now!
"If ye willna do as I say, I shall tie ye to a tree until I come back."
I am sorry but I read the book few times and in my opinion Sam is not the right person to play Jamie. He looks too sweet boy with face and body "tuning" that is absolutely not suitable to Jamie personage. Jamie is the warrior, the strong man that saw hard life, blood, worked hard, was a prisoner, he should look like a battle seasoned, physically fit man with rough featured face. Of course it is only my opinion. Kind regards, Jura
Jura - The man you are describing is the older Jamie who has seen a lot of tragedy in his life. The Jamie who has lost his wife, been made a prisoner and is battle worn. The Jamie we see in Outlander is only 23 and none of that stuff has happened to him yet.
Hi Kim - Nothing has been announced yet about it being shown over here but I imagine that it will be. I just hope it's on a free channel so I don't have to subscribe to anything!
His hair was short in Outlander and it wasn't until later that he grew it long. Claire specifically asked him why his hair was short whilst the other men had long hair. He said it was due to having it cut after he was attacked (took place before the book started). If you remember he also had a scar at the back of his neck from the same attack.
"If ye willna do as I say, I shall tie ye to a tree until I come back."
Jamie to Claire in Outlander
*Squee* Speechless AND breathless ;)
Oh my.
Can't decide what is more amazing - The hair, the arms, or that look in his eyes...
I am sorry but I read the book few times and in my opinion Sam is not the right person to play Jamie. He looks too sweet boy with face and body "tuning" that is absolutely not suitable to Jamie personage. Jamie is the warrior, the strong man that saw hard life, blood, worked hard, was a prisoner, he should look like a battle seasoned, physically fit man with rough featured face. Of course it is only my opinion. Kind regards, Jura
And first of all Jamie is the real natural man without any "extra adornment"
Jura - The man you are describing is the older Jamie who has seen a lot of tragedy in his life. The Jamie who has lost his wife, been made a prisoner and is battle worn. The Jamie we see in Outlander is only 23 and none of that stuff has happened to him yet.
I think Sam is an excellent choice.
Does anyone know if we're going to be able to get this here in the UK?
Hi Kim - Nothing has been announced yet about it being shown over here but I imagine that it will be. I just hope it's on a free channel so I don't have to subscribe to anything!
Yes Mrs Cookie (oct 18 comment)
He should have his hair long !!
His hair was short in Outlander and it wasn't until later that he grew it long. Claire specifically asked him why his hair was short whilst the other men had long hair. He said it was due to having it cut after he was attacked (took place before the book started). If you remember he also had a scar at the back of his neck from the same attack.
He's purrrr-fect! *swoon*
This pic has made my whole day wonderful. He IS purrrrr-feet!
I am Ginger here me ROAR!
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